Wednesday, October 12, 2011

LAD #9

Thomas Jefferson's inaugural speech, was a truly humble speech, which fit his character for being a person that believes in the people. That is what separates him, from the other leaders of the United States thus far. Jefferson is very happy with his victory and graciously thank the American people for voting for him. He also talks about tolerance, not for other races, but other religions. He also talks about political parties, and how they are here, and we have to tolerate them to, because we are one large country that has to deal with one another. That is a large portion of his speech, the work that needs to be accomplished amongst the two parties, Which world make for a better U.S. Jefferson also conveys to the people that it is important for them to exercise their rights to make the country what they want. The speech then goes on to tell te people that he won't shrink from his responsibility, as president. which ends a truly groundbreaking speech.

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