Why would we want to celebrate a man who was not only a fraud, but a flat out jerk? Now speaking for myself, but I'm sure that many would follow, is that I do not like jerks, so why should we celebrate the achievements of one? Today we give Christopher Columbus credit for finding modern day America. But what about the natives? they had been here for thousands of years and called this their home. So didn't they find America? Well if not the Natives than Americus Vespucius, who gave his name to the land. The first place that Columbus landed is the modern day Bahamas, and then moved on to Cuba. Over the course of his first voyage he kidnapped several dozens of natives, and brought them back to Europe. Over the course of his lifetime he made four voyages across the ocean. And with his voyages over, he brought disease over, and would wipe out the natives. He also further opened the gate to more explorers which brought more explorers to the new world, thus hurting the natives home even more. I would graciously give my day off up so that we won't recognize Columbus, and personally i still do not appreciate his accomplishments. Unfortunately there aren't two sides to this pancake.
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