Sunday, January 8, 2012

LAD #24 Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” Speech

William Jennings Bryan was, and still considered one of the most popular politicians ever. A lot of that had to do with his honesty, and dedication to his supports. And his supporters were extremely dedicated to him, in a way he was an outsider, because of his support of laborers, and unions. When Bryan gave his speech for the democratic convention in 1896 it was considered one of the most famous convention speeches of all time. One of the most important parts of Byran's campaign was his belief in silver to gold ratio, that being a 16 to 1 ratio. He believed that silver should be coined freely, and used as coins. But unlike politicians today he fought for what his supporters believe in, and that is what a public servant is for. He fought for his followers, and thought that the silver fight would be the best part of his presidency for his followers. Bryan was an extremely honest, and Nobel politician, something we have lost in our current politicians.

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